

2021 OCT 1 - DEC 26



what is the origin of the brand name?


Posie is our take on the word ‘Posy’ which means; a small bunch of flowers. Our candles are poured in small batches, and each collection and scent are thoughtfully designed and created, much like a hand-picked ‘Posy’ of flowers.


How did you meet each other?


We met through mutual friends back in 2013.


When did you first discover the power of the candle?


We both enjoyed burning candles prior to starting Posie, however found it hard to find the type of scents that embraced more woody and earthy notes that we loved and had smelt amongst different landscapes from our travels. This is when we began making candles as a hobby back in 2014, while saving to travel overseas for a couple of months in 2015. We started experimenting with different fragrance notes to recreate scents from our memory, and it was in that moment burning our candle blend SUR for the first time, we realised the power in the combination of scent and the ambience of burning a candle.


How would you describe Posie Candles in one word?

Posie Candlesを一言で表現すると?



What is your favorite product in your own brand?


Casie: VAL which is a blend of Rose, Sandalwood and Yuzu is a special one for me and its sentiment. It is named after my Grandmother Valerie. I grew up spending my school holidays with her, quite often outside playing and helping in this amazing rose garden she tended. It brings back such vivid memories and much like this blend, I can’t pass by a rose without thinking of her.

Ash: SUR – a blend of cedar wood, amber and patchouli. It was the very first scent we created and I will never forget the moment we burnt it for the first time. It took me straight back to our travels in Big Sur, California, it will always be a favourite.


アシュリー: SUR - シダーウッド、アンバー、パチュリーのブレンド。私たちが最初に作った香りで、初めて焚いた時の感動は忘れられません。カリフォルニアのビッグ・サーでの旅に真っ直ぐに連れて行ってくれた、いつまでもお気に入りの香りです。

Where is a memorable place for you?


Casie: Yosemite National Park, US

Ash: Hakone, Japan

ケイシー : ヨセミテ国立公園(アメリカ)


What is your favorite time of the day?


Our favourite time of day would have to be the late afternoon at golden hour, when the sun is setting just before it disappears behind the mountains to the West and the sky turns all shades of pink and orange. It’s quite special around the area we live in Northern NSW (Byron Bay). We have an old Toyota Landcruiser we love driving through the Byron Hinterland at that time of afternoon when the air is warm, windows down, taking in all the surrounding sounds and smells.


What are your weaknesses?


Coffee, and enjoying too much of it.


What is your favorite music?


Casie: older folk and rock, some of my favourite artists are those who were popular in the 70’s, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles and so many others. On Sunday mornings, I like to put some old records on and enjoy them with a cup of coffee.

Ash: I’m currently enjoying a lot of soul and jazz music at the moment.



What is your motto?


“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”.

This last year especially we’ve learnt to adapt to situations out of our control, and metaphorically we have made a lot of lemonade!



Have you ever been to japan? are there any artists or craftspeople that inspire you from over here?

日本に行ったことはありますか? 日本からインスピレーションを受けるアーティストや工芸家はいますか?

We travelled to Japan in March 2019, and discovered a number of ceramic artists, and craftspeople that we wouldn’t have stumbled upon otherwise. We visited an artisan candle maker in Kyoto, and were lucky enough to be welcomed into their space to observe their practices and learn about the traditional candle techniques in Japan. We have always been so intrigued by their craftsmanship.

Every day we felt inspired in Japan, whether it be by the work of an artist, the aesthetics of a building and character in the narrowing laneways, the method in watching our coffee being brewed, and always the attention to detail in the little things.



For those who have never used a candle before, what would you say?


There is something special in the simple gesture of lighting a candle – a ritual in itself that creates an instant sense of comfort and calm. We are forever inspired by the ability of scent to evoke powerful memories and how it can transport you to a place, encapsulate a feeling or moment in time.


Posie Candles



